Saints Media
Saints Media
CCA Schedule
Training Day(s): Wednesday
Training Time: 3.30 - 5.30 PM
Training Venue: Small COE Room
Mr Liu Liming
[email protected] -
Ms Tun Emairah Fateema Bte Sukarmi
[email protected] -
Ms Tan Xin Ying (FAJT)
Participated in “Our Schools, Our Stories” Photo & Video Contest
Collaborated with Saints Drama to produce our first library publicity video
Participated in the 7th National Youth Film Awards
Participated in “Our Schools, Our Stories” Photo & Video Contest

Public Address
We train our students to be an independent and a responsible crew, able to interpret and respond to unexpected changes in programme requirements during an event.
Training Programme:
Sec 1: A basic introduction and operation of audio and visual equipment.
Sec 2: Engaged in setting up and assisting in all events. In-charge of minor events. Sec 3: Provide training and administering all events. In-charge of all major events.
Sec 4/ Sec 5: Senior members providing advance training and mentorship to all juniors.
On some training days, we play games to foster the team bonding spirit among the crew.
The St. Andrew's Public Address (PA) club aspires to be one of the most fulfilling and enriching Club at St. Andrew's Secondary School.
Our services are essential for the operation of events and major functions such as orientation camps, Speech Day and Open House.
Our main goal in the club is to inculcate values of serving and belonging which is congruent to the school's strategic thrust. Our team of passionate and dedicated crew members constantly ensures that all events are carried out successfully.